CED Surfing 101

If things are blue [this one will send you back to Greener Than Thou] they are clickable. The turn purple when clicked and stay that way. They are still clickabale. A click will scoot you some new html file somewhere in cyberspace. A blue, not necessarily off-color word in a text when mouse-pecked will whisk you off to the intended location and you have been hypertexted into the info-hyper-dimension we call cyberspace.

CED surfing is learned behavior. There are tricks of the trade. Most if not all CED images are also hot buttons. Click on an illustration and it will take you back one step and to the top of the page. Try Jerry's "Old Growth" picture above. If you click the back icon in the NETSCAPE menu bar, you will take one step back and to the same point in the document your were at before you last clicked!

CED graphics can be harvested for your use. Put your mousy cursor on an illustration you want to harvest. Click but do not release. After about 1 or 2 seconds a menu will pop up and one of the options is to save the illustration to a file! If you like something in CED and want to use it at your site please feel free to do so. Remember these computer screen images are all 72 dots per inch gif or jpeg graphic files. They are pict files. If you make slides out of a 72 dot per inch image it may be less than desired. Our printers work at 300 dots per inch and photography has much higher resolution. If you really need a higher resolution image let me know as I save the higher resolution image as well as the 72 dot per inch version for NETSCAPE use.

CED tables are really pictures. If for some reason you need the data in an table, and it is too much to retype in and you are an LTER scientist and CED groupie, I can send you the data.