Greener Than Thou

Printing from Netscape is nice. However, "Hayden's CED black backgrounds are ink hogs." So conservation has raised its pristine head again. I could do away with black and dark ink-saturation backgrounds and go for San Francisco pastels (I tend to go that way anyway.) But I will compromise. Boiler (who-would-print-them-anyway) plate pages will remain in their contrast rich, black backgrounds to maintain their flashy-pizzazz. Except where essential, San Francisco calm will rule. The only color-riot will be the sensational, worth-printing data-stuff in the illustrations. Also, for the real ink conservationists the Netscape OPTIONS will help. From that menu you can pull down AUTO LOAD IMAGES and deselect it! Hit the RELOAD icon and the figures will be gone. Print without images at all. Selectively print the images you want.

Old paper copies of CED, if combusted without ATP production, could augment and exacerbate the greenhouse effect in the near-term. If you printed all your issues of CED, you have taken a responsibility for carbon sequestration and disaster mitigation. CED would be flattered that you bound the back issues and used your book shelves and file cabinets for long-term storage and carbon sequestration. However, the paper we use to go from electrons to ink-dots is called revenue grade paper and is among the most valuable paper for recycling. Proper disposal of CED in revenue- grade-paper recycling receptacles is encouraged by the staff of CED. In doing so, you transfer you sequestration responsibilities to the next paper user down the line. Remember that not all forms of paper should not be reused by the next potential user and in such cases alternate, traditional and non-traditional, sequestration plans are required.

Revenue-grade-paper carbon-sequestration for longer duration requires new thinking. CED has become the large woody debris of the LTER network's information-PR system. Encasement in waterproofed concrete and burial below the Jornada termite zone is a carbon sequestration model that might merit a Network Office workshop proposal.

CED Figures and Tables Surfing Tips.