Instructions for Dumping Data off the Trimble GPS with integrated WINCE logger

1. Hook handheld CE (GPS) into charging/communications cradle and hook
to PC with USB cable.

2. Log into lab PC as normal (as vcrlter works just fine).

3. Turn off/on - reset/reboot handheld CE.

4. On PC, start "Microsoft Activesync" (just ignore any email and file
transfer it gives you, just get to the point where both devices (PC and
CE) are talking to each other).  Now the CE sits passive and everything
happens on the PC...

5. Start "GPS Pathfinder Office" program on PC.

5A1.  - as device choose "GIS Datalogger on Windows CE".
5A2.  - if NOT showing up as "connected", then hit icon button to
5A3.  - choose the "Recieve" Tab/option.
5A4.  - click "Add" to see file list on handheld (choose "Datafiles"
5A5.  - choose the correct survey file(s), and either choose a new
directory on the PC to save them into or else accept the Default
5A6.  - click "open".  This should list the selected survey file(s) in
list window.
5A7.  - click "Transfer All".  This starts the copy process and the raw
survey data file(s) should now be on the PC.  You're done with the
transfer so hit "close".

5B. View data: close the empty startup map.  Then reopen MAP and choose
the .SSF file you just transferred.

5C.  Use OPTIONS to select the coordinate system and units you want the
data to be displayed and spit out as (ex. UTM zone 18 north, meters).

5D.  Then under "UTILITIES" select "EXPORT".
5D1.  Choose an export folder location for your formatted coordinate
files, or accept the default location (c:\pfdata\default\export).
5D2.  Choose an export setup (format).
5D2a.  - for me, I prefer "Sample Arc/Info (NT) Generate Setup".
5D2b. - By default for the above format, you get one file with pt#,x,y
("point_ge.pts") and another with p#,pt-name (what you typed in as a
comment when collecting the point in the field) (the attributes, so
"") plus one other aml file for Arc/Info to use to recreate
this data as point coverage with joined attributes (if you don't already
do this yourself normally) (called point_ge.aml).
5D2c.  - If you want more than the above info, hit "Properties" and
select the check boxes for what other data you wish: accuracy, Z offset,
etc.  !!!IMPORTANT!!! select "Uncorrected" data as well (plus Z
elevation if you want it) as they are not the default, and unless you
had a 2nd unit stationary over a known benchmark the whole time your
whole survey is "uncorrected"!
5D3.  Hit "OK".

DONE!  Now FTP or email the data to yourself or copy it onto disk.


******************** DAVID LEE RICHARDSON  and  FRITZ *****************

Dept. Environmental Science, UVA   ~ ~  "Work out your own salvation...
C'ville VA 22904 (rm. Clark 296)    "      with diligence!" - Buddha
work:434-924-3263  cell:989-8039   ^^^  (in other words, EVOLVE DUDE!)