The vegetation of the islands, marshes, and the mainland-lagoon interface is conspicuously zonal (McCaffrey and Dueser 1990a, b, Ehrenfeld 1990) in character with sub-scale patchiness and sharp transitions between patches. High and low salt marshes, unvegetated mud flats, grasslands, shrub savannas and maritime forests occur in close proximity, with sharp ecotones between adjacent ecosystems. Vegetation heterogeneity is further accentuated by interannual climate variation: precipitation records indicate a range of between 85 and 140 cm yr-1 (Hayden 1979; Bolyard et al. 1979). This variation arises primarily from variation in summer thunderstorm rainfall and depends, in part, on local land and sea temperature differences. Further, 45% of late summer and autumn rainfall comes from tropical storms (Hayden 1979).
The VCR is an extremely dynamic, regularly disturbed landscape comprising elements (forests, marshes, sand dunes, grasslands, etc.) that differ in degrees normally associated with biome-level differences. The types of ecosystem changes that occur spatially across continental biomes and temporally over glacial and interglacial episodes happen on decadal time scales at the VCR. Successional chronosequences in accretionary island landscapes are well documented, and succession proceeds rapidly (Hayden et al. 1991). Ecosystem dynamics at the local level produce landscape structure at higher levels of organization. Yet for all of this disturbance and change, or perhaps because of it, the landscape is comprised of repeating units and is seemingly self-ordered. The barrier islands form a gentle arc with the regularity of beads on a string. The morphologies of barrier islands, and their lagoons and mainland interface, repeat in form and dimension. Ecosystem state variables exhibit significant decadal and century-long trends that are driven by extreme perturbations at meteorological and climatological time scales.
The climate of the VCR is dominated by coastal storms
or Northeasters (Dolan et al. 1987) (Fig. 7a)
and the Bermuda High pressure system (Davis et al. 1994) (Fig. 7b). Each year an average of 38 extratropical
storms occur with magnitudes sufficient to rework beach sands and to elevate
tides above astronomical norms (Hayden 1976 1981; Dolan et al. 1987 1988).
These storms generate waves from the northeast and drive sand southward
along the coast. The Bermuda High pressure system generates southeast swell
and drives sediment northward along the coast. Like the Northeasters and
the size of the Bermuda High, hurricanes have also exhibited long term
trends (Fig. 7c). These storms are largely responsible for the production
of waves and surges which in turn change the morphology of the islands
(Dolan et al. 1979), the associated vegetative cover, and ultimately in
combination with sea level rise, the landward migration of islands across
lagoonal marshes (Hayden et al. 1980, 1981) and the encroachment of marshes
into the forests on the mainland (See Fig. 3B, page RPS 3) (Brinson et
al. 1994). In effect, the site is a perpetual experiment in ecosystem disturbance,
plant succession and landscape structuring. Harris (1992) determined that
90% of the landscape of Hog Island (our principal study site for barrier
islands) seaward of its fringing marsh dates from 1871 or later (see Fig. 2a,
page RPS 2). The extent of marshes throughout the VCR declined 11%
from 1852 to 1960 (Knowlton 1971). Farm fences on hypersaline marshes are
evidence of the encroachment of saline water into fields and fresh-water
marshes along the lagoon mainland interface.
The "Great Halloween Storm of 1991" and its effect on the VCR landscape illustrates the exceptionally dynamic nature of this landscape. On October 30, 1991, the VCR was hit by a storm that evolved from an extratropical storm (a "northeaster") moving eastward to merge with a passing tropical storm, Grace. The resultant Great Halloween Storm (Dolan and Davis 1992) was a major coastal-storm event from Cape Hatteras, N. C. to Kennebunkport, Me. The storm remained offshore and produced considerable damage even at a distance. At the VCR, waves at sea reached heights over 11 m and the eastern fronts of the barrier islands were pounded with waves of 3 - 5 m. This was the most powerful storm of the 1447 coastal storms in our LTER data archives (1942-1994). Statistical estimations of its probability indicate a 1000 year plus return interval, i.e., this storm was exceptional. The Great Halloween Storm is comparable to historical disturbance events -- The Great Storm of 1667, The Accomac Hurricane of 1693, the hurricanes of 1749 and 1933. Each produced similar waves and still water levels 3 to 5 m above normal. Immediately following the Halloween Storm, ground and aircraft reconnaissance of the site indicated that in some locations 10s of meters of beach were removed from Hog Island. The inlet between Parramore and Crescent Islands was filled with sand. Marshes behind Parramore Island were buried by as much as 1 m of sand. Large sections of Parramore Island's south end eroded away. Fresh water wells in transects across Hog island became saline. The Halloween Storm and other large storms leave extensive deposits of wrack that appear to be partly responsible for patchiness of marsh vegetation (Brinson et al. 1994). Several new marsh surfaces developed on which we have installed an extensive array of permanent plots and transects to chart the colonization and development of a salt marshes on newly deposited substrates.
The contemporary barrier island-lagoon-mainland complex took form during the late Holocene rise in sea level, although the underlying topographic framework can be traced back to earlier high stands of sea level during the Pleistocene (Oertel et al. 1989a). Rapid change has taken place during the last few thousand years with the barrier island complex migrating westward across the continental slope at a rate as high as 10-3 km yr-1 (Finkelstein et al. 1987). The modern islands typically exhibit shoreline change characterized by lateral accretion and erosion as high as 13 m yr-1 (Dolan et al. 1979) creating one of the most dynamic coasts in the United States.
While the entire site has undergone a sequence of state changes over the Holocene, landscape/ecosystem elements within the site have undergone equally large state changes within the present century. Mockhorn Island, once agricultural land and formerly forest, has been abandoned and is now a very young salt marsh. At the turn of the century, the salt marshes that now fringe the mainland were fenced, upland pastures.The bay bottoms, which were eel grass meadows at the turn of the century, are now unvegetated bottoms (Hayden et al. 1991). At the time of settlement of Hog Island's town of Broadwater in the mid 1800s, the south end of Hog Island was forested. It is now an overwash-flat grassland (Rice et al. 1976, Fitch 1991, Hayden et al. 1980). The north end of Hog Island was several hundred meters wide and consisted of a narrow beach affronting a marsh in 1852; and, it is now a complex chronosequence of ridges and swales nearly 1.5 km wide (Hayden et al. 1991). The VCR is a mosaic of landscapes and ecotones with rates of change exceeded in North America only by the coastal margin of the Mississippi Delta (Dolan et al. 1982).
There are two elements to our theoretical conception of landscape dynamics on the VCR LTER. First, there are ecosystem states, in a multivariate Hutchinsonian sense, within which successional dynamics operate. Second, there are events that produce transitions from one of these states to another (Fig. 8a & 8b). At the VCR, one can see both successional dynamics within these ecosystem states and transitional dynamics between given ecosystem states. In spite of this early stage in theoretical development of this notion, we are convinced the observational and multivariate definition of ecosystem states is possible in the sense of Allen et al. (1977), Birks and Berglund (1979), Lamb (1985), and Jacobson and Grimm (1986) (Fig. 8b). Our concept of landscape dynamics (Hayden et al. 1991) is based on observations of the dynamics in reconstructions of landscape change over 1000s of years based on pollen records (Emory et al. 1967), from landscape reconstruction from 40 years of aerial photos (Dolan et al. 1979), and from historical accounts and survey maps (Rice et al. 1976). We can infer such dynamics from field evidence, for example, dead tree trunks in marshes and marsh peats on beaches. We feel this class of dynamics, while frequent and dramatic, is not unique to our site and is relatively widespread in a range of ecosystems. These dynamics occur over time intervals that are not usually subject to direct observation or experimentation, at the VCR these dynamics are rapid and accessible through long-term research.
We view the dominant cause of ecosystem state change at the VCR, and also the initiation of new successional sequences within states, as arising from vertical changes in at least one of three free surfaces: the land, sea, and fresh-water table. We use the term free surface rather than simply surface to emphasize that these are not static surfaces. Mass and energy are exchanged across these surfaces and the elevations of these surfaces exhibit long-term trends, periodic oscillations and episodic disturbances. Variations in the elevations of land, sea and water table surfaces arise from relative sea-level rise, storm-generated changes in levels of the sea and the land, and ecological processes including species extinctions. Our long-term experiments and long-term observation and monitoring programs focus on these free surfaces and on the role of they play in ecosystem succession and state changes.
Neither the level of the land nor the level of the sea is stationary (Table 2). At the south end of the VCR, the land is subsiding around 2 mm yr-1 and the eustatic level of the sea is rising at about 1 mm yr-1 giving a relative sea level rise of 3.0 mm yr-1 (Emory and Aubrey 1991). Oertel (1989b) places the relative rate of sea level rise (eustatic rise + land subsidence) between 2.8 to 4.2 mm yr-1. The rate of relative sea level rise decreases toward the mainland as well as southward and northward for hundreds of kilometers (Emory and Aubrey 1991). In general, this rate of relative sea level rise exceeds the capacity of marshes to build upward unless marine sands or terrestrial sediments are readily available for deposition (Ray and Hayden 1992; Kastler 1993) or unless biogenic accretion can keep pace with the rising sea (Brinson et al. 1994). Land level and eustatic sea-level surfaces, measured locally as the single parameter relative sea level, are important free surfaces for VCR ecosystems. When changes in land and sea level elevations exceed a threshold, system state change occur (Ray et al. 1992). The characteristic temporal variability of these critical state variables is summarized in Table 2.
Locally, the elevation of the land free surface is controlled by sedimentation and erosion of marine and terrestrial mineral sediments and organic matter accumulation (Hackney and Cleary 1987; Brinson et al. 1994). For VCR ecosystems, increases in elevation due to sedimentation may offset the regional subsidence of the land and eustatic rise of the sea. Additionally, because most of the inorganic sedimentation above mean sea level is transported hydraulically, water levels during northeasters and tropical storms are the critical agents of change raising the land surface elevations above the levels of the astronomical tides (Dolan and Godfrey 1973). Below ground organic matter accumulation (Blum 1993) and overwash of marine sands (Kochel and Wampfler 1989) are also critical processes at the VCR that alter land elevations and may give rise to system state changes.
These considerations have led us to begin long-term experiments which manipulate critical free surfaces. The first two involve direct manipulation of the pattern of inundation frequency and magnitude for two types of marsh (fringe and insular-lagoon), using approaches appropriate for the marsh type, to provide insight into the response of marshes to sea level rise. The third experiment employs a long-term manipulation of the unconfined freshwater lens on a coastal barrier island to study state changes arising from climate change and to study ecosystem-level water relations. These experiments are designed to build on and to focus our earlier research findings, and to emphasize the free surface controlling factors of water table, land, and sea elevations and to understand the biogeographic organization of the VCR.
The central
hypothesis of the VCR LTER is that ecosystem, landscape and successional
patterns are controlled by the relative vertical positions of the land,
sea, and fresh-water table. Large transient and small progressive changes
in the position of these free surfaces result in disturbance of ecosystem
processes and in physiological stresses that may lead to system state change.
Variations in the elevations of these critical surfaces result from local
weather or climate change, such as short-term storm-generated fluctuation
in sea/land levels or long-term sea level rise. Ecological processes, including
species extinctions and invasions that alter rates of erosion and deposition,
also affect the positions of these free surfaces relative to one another.
In many instances, the joint effects of contemporaneous disturbances at
different temporal and spatial scales result in state changes.
Several types of relationships between the three free surfaces occur at
the VCR (Figure 10 and Fig. 11). An understanding of these relationships
goes directly to the theoretical basis for the sub-hypotheses that guide
our field studies. Nine relationships are detailed below. At any one location
within the VCR a subset of these relationships apply. We do not refer to
these relationships as hypotheses as, in their general formulation, they
are not the object of our field studies. Nonetheless, the sub-hypotheses
of our central hypothesis are founded from these relationships.
Long-term progressive and short-term disturbance-driven changes in the intersections of land, lagoon and water-table free surfaces of the VCR cause changes in the spatial (10s m to 10s km) organization of VCR ecosystems and shifts in ecotones. Sub-hypotheses being studied at the Megasite (MS) include:
Megasite programs focus on recording elevations of critical free surfaces and ecosystem attributes. Studies of land surface elevations focus on measurements of changes in the shorezone. Within this zone, island building and destruction, and the reworking of the island sediments are driven by storm waves and surges. Surveys of the shorezone, the intersection of the sea-level and land free surfaces, rely on aerial photography (1949-1993). Beginning in 1994 we will use GPS surveys to determine shoreline and ecotone positions. This will permit improved schedules for surveys and reduce post-processing requirements. Storm and wave climate data from the National Weather Service is added to our data archives monthly(1885-1994). Studies to date, have shown that the shorezone of Hog Island has undergon fundamental reversal in the direction of change in 1967 (Fenster et al. 1994)(MS Ho-2). Reversals have occurred once or twice per century for the last several hundred years (Harris 1992). Our current interpretation is that winter storms and summer swell from the Bermuda high pressure cell (see Fig. 7, page PD 2) have changed systematically over the last century (Hayden 1981, 1982; Davis et al. 1994). The specific mechanism involved is hypothesized to be a change in the net along-the-coast direction of movement of sediments (MS Ho-2). Along the island where the shorezone is widest, seaward terrestrial environments are flooded with saline water during coastal storms, and may be buried by sands transported from the beach. We have mapped the probabilities of such burials on Hog Island and have determined for each probability class the plant species which survived in that disturbance zone (Fahrig, Hayden and Dolan 1993)(see Fig. 5, page RPS 5). During the renewal period we will verify the results of this work (MS Ho-3) on other islands and will use this survival vs. disturbance probability information in our model ISLAND (see Section 2: Models and Synthesis page PD 23).
Work on MS Ho-4 examines the causes of extinction and immigration
by linking multiannual surveys of multiple islands (varying in elevation),
semi-annual censuses of small mammal populations on four transects on Hog
Island (varying in availability of fresh water and probability of overwash),
intensive observations of inter-island movements (Forys and Dueser 1993)
and genetic (mitochondrial DNA, allozyme and microsatellite DNA) analyses
(Fig. 13). Extensive multi-island surveys were completed in 1988-1989 and
1993. We are examining relationships between insular populations using
genetic analyses of samples from 11 islands sampled in 1993. Aerial photo
and map surveys indicate an 11% loss of lagoon and back-barrier marshes
since 1852 (Knowlton 1971). More recent surveys covering the last 30 years
(Kastler 1993), found that loss of island marsh exceeds development of
new marsh while mainland marsh has increased uby 8%. We hypothesize (MS
Ho-5) that the lagoons are enriched in low-nitrogen carbon particles winnowed
from of the eroded marshes. We will quantify loading of lagoon waters with
low quality carbon and new sediments from marshes. In conjunction with
the US MAB program, we have initiated, a study of the role of nutrient
enriched groundwater from the mainland which may be the source of the high
levels of nutrients in the creek and lagoon waters. General observations
indicate that lagoon bottoms that were seagrass meadows prior to the extinction
of the eel grass in the early 1930s are becoming especially rich in macro-algae
(MS Ho-6). Transects, used in preliminary work, together with new central
lagoon permanent plots will be established and used to measure changes
in macroalgal biomass and community composition.
Research infrastructure of the VCR Megasite includes: 1) a 60-monument, cm-level GPS network, 2) a system of dated landscapes, 3) a network of surveyed overwash terrace, 4) a network of sediment cores, 5) a benchmark system of vegetation plots, 6) a system of mammal transects on 23 island and marsh surfaces, 7) remote sensing calibration facilities, 8) a mm-level set of benchmarks at research sites, and 9) a geo-rectified, 50-meter interval VCR-wide base map system for shorezone landscape studies. These on-site resources for site-wide research are supported by a remote sensing laboratory in Charlottesville.
Terrestrial vegetation on coastal barrier islands is limited primarily by the relationship of the non-parallel land and water table free surfaces. The relative elevation of the fresh-water table and the magnitude of the reserve of fresh water available structures the vegetation of the barrier islands. Working sub-hypotheses for North Hog Island (HI) Chronosequence include:
A model of barrier island morphology (see ISLAND, SECTION 2: page PD 24), water table, and vegetation is based on understanding the controls on the elevation of the fresh water table free surface and depends on 1) elevation of the land above spring tide, 2) precipitation input, and 3) evapotranspiration losses (Rasteter 1989). Shao, Shugart, Young (1994) have developed a new evapotranspiration model for the North Hog Island Chronosequence (see Fig. 21, page PD 24) that will be tested at our water-table manipulation experiment site. We are also developing a maritime forest FORET model that will be made spatially explicit by means of a water table driver in the model. Input data to parameterize this model are being derived from a set of 100 benchmark vegetation plots on Parramore Island. At the Chronosequence Site we are measuring decomposition, primary production, and nutrient cycling and interpreting the observations in terms of depth to the water table and landscape age. We are dating the landscapes of other barrier islands of the VCR, which will permit replication sites for findings from Hog Island studies.
The research infrastructure of the VCR North Hog Chronosequence Site includes: 1) a photo- and map-dated 120-year chronosequence of landscapes, 2) 5 transects and mammal associated permanent plots, 3) a system of 32 minirhizotron tubes (Brown and Upchurch 1987), 4) a surveyed network of groundwater wells, 5) a tide station, 6) an LTER minimum standard meteorological station, 7) a solar powered experimental groundwater pumping station for fresh-water table manipulation, and 8) permanent plots with and without nitrogen amendments.
The type of community and level of productivity of emergent marsh vegetation on lagoonal marshes is controlled by the relative elevations of the parallel marsh land free surface and the parallel, oscillatory lagoon water free surface. Working sub-hypotheses for Hog Island Bay Lagoon and Marshes Site (LM) include:
Along the seaward and landward margins of Hog Island Bay, sediment supply is adequate for the formation of new marshes. We are monitoring these new marshes to determine if sediment chemical conditions typical of marshes develop before plant colonization or if sediment chemistry is a consequence of marsh succession (LM Ho-4). Using remote sensing, we have identified marshes that formed in each of the last 7 decades. These marshes constitute a chronosequence that will permit us to use a space-for-time substitution to detail long-term succession of marshes and to guide our long-term monitoring of newly formed marshes. Along this chronosequence, marsh elevations and plant productivity vary systematically as a function of marsh age.
Preliminary studies indicate marsh primary productivity is highly correlated with porewater salinity. Porewater salinity is reduced directly by rainfall during low tide. Rainwater access to a thick layer of the marsh surface depends on invertebrate burrows (macropores). We will test the hypothesis that fiddler crabs play a primary role in regulating primary productivity (LM Ho-5). We recognize that, in the long-term, we will need to know a great deal more about tidal volumes, tidal velocities and tidal residence times. Such information will be necessary to calculate nutrient fluxes and adequately model marsh and lagoon systems. We hypothesize that the relatively constant salinity in Hog Island Bay arises from the lagoonal nature of the system including low fresh water input, the shallow embayments and nearly complete tidal flushing through deep channels (LM Ho-6 and 7)
Research infrastructure developed for the Hog Island Bay Lagoons and Marshes Site includes: 1) a series of experimentally lowered marsh surfaces, 2) a system of marsh surfaces with different positions in the water column, 3) an array of marsh mm-level benchmark monuments for surveying, 4) a GPS/Digital Fathometer System for hypsometric surveys, and 5) a sequence of marshes of known ages for pseudo-chronological studies.
The vertical position of the mainland-marsh ecotone is a function of the interaction of the non-intersecting, sloping free surfaces of the saline lagoon water, fresh ground water table, and land surface. Within the ecotone structured by these sloping free surfaces, multiple states are ordered along a gradient maintained by storm-generated disturbances against a background of chronic sea level rise. Changes in state along the gradient are caused by mechanisms which are characteristic of each change of state (Brinson et al. 1994). Sub-hypotheses for the Mainland Marsh Transition Site (MM) include:
An experiment that increases inundation frequency by pumping creek water onto marsh plots was initiated in summer 1993 (see Section 2, Mainland Marsh Inundation Experiment, page PD 18). This experiment examines the role of inundation and wrack deposition, separately and in combination, in maintaining organic high marsh plant diversity in Juncus roemerianus dominated and Spartina patens/Distichlis spicata co-dominated associations (MM Ho-6). Primary productivity, species displacement, sediment chemistry (primarily salinity, redox potential, and species of N and S), and trace gas fluxes (CH4, CO2, N2, N2O) are monitored during these pumping experiments (MM Ho-8). We propose to begin experiments during winter/spring 1995 (seasons of peak storm frequency and intensity) in salt loading and tree girdling to observe 1) thresholds of salt effects on stress symptoms and mortality (MM Ho-1) and 2) response of the ground cover to increased light penetration (MM Ho-2). Experiments to address MM Ho-3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 will be done in a long-term manipulation experiment in another marsh as described in Section 2 of the Project Description: Marsh Mainland Inundation Experiments.
Other proposed studies include determination of 1) the primary sediment transport mechanisms from marsh surfaces, both depositional and erosional (MM Ho-7), 2) the role of the biota in modifying sediment transport by altering marsh surface frictional resistance and particle aggregation (MM Ho-7), and 3) the movement of agricultural chemicals in groundwater to forested buffer strips, marshes, and tidal creeks (MM Ho-8). Hypotheses concerning mechanisms of sediment deposition onto and erosion from marsh surfaces will be tested on a mineral low marsh located proximally to tidal channel and lagoon sediment sources and to faster moving water in tidal creeks and channels. Effects of plant stem density and marsh elevation on sedimentation will be investigated through measurement of flow velocity, suspended sediments, and marsh elevation on natural and lowered marsh surfaces (see Section 2: Long-Term Experimentrs, page PD 16). In addition, we will begin studies to examine the relationship of marsh surface invertebrate fauna abundance, biomass, and species composition (Yozzo et al. 1994) to the intensity of sediment aggregation and aggregate properties (size, settling velocity, and durability) (Kastler 1993).
Stable isotope studies to characterize nutrient transfer across the land, fresh-water table, and sea-level free surface interfaces were begun in 1993 at the Mainland Marsh Site. The site is ideal for this type of study because large quantities of fertilizers are applied to the highly permeable upland soils of this area. Isotopic fractionation of nitrogen and carbon species and flux measurements of CO2, CH4, N2O, and NOxwill be used to identify biogeochemical processes that lead to losses of inorganic nitrogen and carbon (Macko et al. 1987) due to anthropogenic disturbances (Anderson and Levine 1987) (MM Ho-8). We will also measure rates of nitrification and denitrification using an 15N dilution technique to complement our stable isotope measurements (as non-LTER funds become available).
Research infrastructure of the Mainland Marsh Transition Site includes: 1) transects across the marsh and into the neighboring forest of known elevation, distance from tidal water source, flooding regime, and related physical and chemical variables, 2) a network of water-level recorders and tide gages, 3) a solar-powered meteorological station , 4) experimental plots augmented with lagoon water using a solar-powered pumping system, 5) a network of ground water wells, and (6) a series of permanent plots to monitor changes in the interface between J. roemerianus and neighboring marsh plant associations.
Parramore (Fig.
18a) and Hog Islands have round sand masses (Fig. 18b) with isolated freshwater
reserves perched atop sand flats and surrounded by saline and hypersaline
salt marshes. In 1993, we proved we can control the level of the water
table in these pimples by pumping. We have selected three similar pimples
(Fig. 18c on next page) for our initial draw down experiments in 1994.
One will be a draw-down treatment in which the water table is lowered at
a rate equal to an increase of 1 mm d-1 of evapotranspiration.
A second pimple will receive the removed water as a supplement equivalent
to an increase in rainfall of 1 mm d-1 added to the system
below the surface of the sand. The third pimple is our control. In 1994
will will add wells, pumps and recorders to two additional replicates of
each treatment and control. In 1995 two more replicates will be installed
and bringing the total sample size to five. We expect to continue these
experiments for at least the next decade. Pumping studies in 1993 did not
involve a manipulation of the water table (Fig. 18d). Pumped water was
re-injected below ground at the same location. We established that we can
pump at a rate of 1 to 3 mm d-1 and can record mm level changes
in the water table. We also demonstrated that we can record community level
evapotranspiration within each day and can record the seasonal draw down
and recharging of the water table (see Fig. 4b, page RPS 4).
Experimental hypotheses include: 1) increases/decreases in the elevation of the water table free surface in the pimples will result in reduced/increased grass cover on the pimples, increased/reduced woody plant establishment and growth, expansion/contraction of the Iva and Baccharis shrub, and Spartina patens grass zone around the pimples at the expense of the surrounding salt marsh, 2) fluctuations in the elevation of the water table free surface will lead to significant variations in nutrient budgets, especially nitrogen input via Myrica N-fixation, and 3) differential responses to changes in water table free surface will lead to shifts in species composition within the pimple community. Over the long-term, these experiments will constitute a climate change experiment. We anticipate that the pimple from which water is extracted will experience the equivalent of a 25% rainfall reduction, the receiving pimple a 25% effective increase in average annual rainfall. The control pimple will have no manipulation of the water table free surface other than that arises from year to year variation in rainfall.
Analog sites to the experiment. Depth to the fresh water table free surface depends on the elevation of the pimple surface. In that the pimples are quite variable in elevation, they differ a great deal in the water resource available to terrestrial vegetation and, as such, the vegetation cover across the spectrum of pimples includes several biome-level vegetation types, e.g., open dunes, grasslands and forests. The smallest, lowest elevation pimples are entirely S. patens grass covered systems. Pimples with slightly higher elevation are entirely covered with shrubs (Iva and Baccharis or Myrica). Larger pimples have mature Juniperus virginica and Pinus taeda forests with a grassland/desert center in the pimple. Using surface wells, we will initiate water table monitoring of dozens of pimples in order to determine community wide evapotranspiration rates from different communities and the role of rainfall variation on pimple community structure over time. Measurements of 18O content will be used to extimate in water turnover rates in the pimples. These isolated freshwater systems will permit us to study biome level evapotranspiration differences in a common climate regime. Comparisons of pimples with and without Myrica aided by 15N measurements will facilitate the assessment of the significance of Myrica nitrogen-fixation to the nitrogen budget. We will use the data from these monitoring programs to further parameterize our evapotranspiration model (see Section 2: Models and Synthesis page PD 23).
The experiment involves undercutting a large block of creekbank marsh
(Fig. 19a) and severing its attachment
at the sides and back so it remains in place laterally, but is lower in
the water column (LM Ho-1). This will allow increased flushing by tidal
water. In 1992, we used hoe-like implements to remove sediment from beneath
the root zone and hand saws to sever the connections. This procedure was
very difficult and often yielded an uneven surface. In 1994, we will use
a hydraulic pressure washer to remove sediment from beneath the root zone.
The back and edges will then be severed with a pressure cutting head (3500
psi) and a hand saw, and the block allowed to settle into place. The result
is a lowering of the marsh surface in the water column of approximately
5 cm.
In both years of the experiment to date a 3- to 5-fold increase in plant biomass in the lowered plots compared to control sites on the mainland and island marshes was observed. In the first year, the primary source of biomass increase at the mainland sites was stem density, while it was largely plant height on the island marshes (Fig. 19a). In the second year both factors had increased at all sites.
Two adjustment scenarios are planned: acute and chronic. In the acute scenario, the marsh will be lowered by 15 cm creating a marsh surface equivalent to the 1930s marshes. In the chronic scenario, the marsh will be lowered about 5 mm every other year, thus approximating the current rise in sea level at the VCR. Above ground marsh productivity (Morris et al. 1990) and peak standing crop will be monitored yearly and total biomass (above and below ground) will be measured every second year. We hypothesize that secondary production will also increase with increasing relative sea level. Specifically, we expect increases in juvenile fish and crustacean utilization of the treated sites. Sedimentation and marsh elevation will be carefully monitored on test and control plots and local marshes.
Marsh manipulations will be performed along the margins of mid-lagoon marshes. Each manipulation will result in the lowering of 4 m2 of marsh surface and will be paired with an adjacent control surface the same size. Both treatment and controls will have 5 replicates. To assess the possibility that the experiment records simple edge effects we will also survey marshes in Hog Island Bay with different relative elevations and test the hypothesis that relative marsh elevation results in the same effects as in the experiments.
Throughout the VCR there are hundreds of natural examples of the creation of high productivity low marsh habitat from the erosion and slumping of the perched short-form Spartina marshes. Many of these do not survive because they do not readily develop a prograding marsh face and are rapidly eroded by wave action in the tidal creeks. Where such an interface develops the new tall-form marshes can last many years. We will document these slumps on our GIS system, label the sites, and follow them on an annual basis to track their long-term fate. In addition, because marsh burial in the 1930s varied considerably in depth of burial, present-day marshes vary in elevation. We are surveying marsh elevations at the mm level in order to identify a natural gradient in marsh submergence that will serve as an alternate source of information equivalent of that to be experimentally determined.
Inundation Experiment: In our experiment to test MM Ho-6, currently in
place at Phillis Creek, we alter inundation by pumping water into experimental
plots with a battery-operated submersible pump charged by solar power.
The pumping occurs when water in the creek rises above a designated water
stage. The water is distributed throughout 3 x 4 m wood-framed plots which
allow ponding on the surface during pumping followed by slow infiltration
and exit of the flood water. It takes approximately 45 min. to cover a
plot with water. Inundation plots are positioned so that each contains
two different plant associations (e.g., 2 x 3 m in a Juncus roemerianus
patch and the other 2 x 3 m is in an area of Spartina patens and
Distichlis spicata). Pore water samplers (sippers) to assess sediment
chemistry are located inside and outside of the plots (Table 3). Further,
half of the plot stretching across both plant associations is covered with
Spartina alterniflora wrack. We are using a randomized block design
of 3 blocks each with 3 plots. Each block consists of one plot with increased
inundation and two control plots (Fig. 20a). One block is represented in
Fig.20a. A prototype installations were completed during 1993. The additional
blocks, each located in the organic high marsh, have been established and
are currently fitted for 1994 when inundation frequency will be increased
and the plots disturbed by additon of wrack. This design tests disturbance
effects from wrack deposition with and without associated inundation increase
(MM Ho-6). We will include further testing of this hypothesis at the Mill
Creek Experimental marsh as part of the tidal creek headward erosion simulation
experiment described below.
Tidal Creek Headward Erosion Simulation: Mill Creek marsh, like the Phillips Creek marsh, is in the Machipongo drainage system and is located landward of Fowling Point marsh. In addition, Phillips and Mill Creeks are connected by the Eastern Lead, an important tidal channel. The Mill Creek marsh site selected for manipulation is approximately 8 ha, bordered on two sides by small sandy islands or "necks", partially blocked at one end by a causeway, and connected to Mill Creek via a short tributary. A randomized block design will be used of at least 5 blocks with elevation and disturbance nested within exposure to increased tidal flooding will be used. One block is represented in Figure 20b. The two plots adjacent to the extension will receive enhanced flooding in contrast to the third "isolated" plot (MM Ho-3, 5). One of these two plots will have a plywood barrier embedded into the soil near the extension to restrict drainage such that comparison with the other "adjacent" plot tests MM ho-4.
The plots below the extension in Fig. 20b provide alternate testing of MM Ho-3, 5, and 6. the design is similar to that used in the pumping experiment with disturbed and undisturbed controls, a plot with enhanced inundation (this time by lowering the marsh surface as previously described), and nesting within each treatment for the influence of wrack deposition. The lowering will enhance inundation beyond that achieved by extending the creek alone. Plots will be 2 m long by 3 m wide, oriented with the widest portion of the plot parallel to the ditch (Fig. 20b). With this method of simulating sea-level rise there is less control of hydrology than with pumping but greater ability to mimic sediment transport and rising sea-level effects in upper tidal creeks. This will allow us to directly address MM Ho-3 through 7 by monitoring changes in the biological, chemical, and physical characteristics of the manipulated areas (Table 3).
Connection to modeling: Part of our effort on marshes is to identify and quantitatively model depositional and erosional mechanisms on marshes in response to tidal and storm-induced flows (Wiberg). We have also developed a mechanistic model of salt marsh organic matter accumulation based on plant production and decay and constrained by sediment physical/chemical properties (Nuttle and Blum). Results from the proposed experiments and continuation of experiments at the Mainland Marsh Site will allow us to test the validity of our model for differing sediment properties that are determined by differences in tidal inundation frequencies. In the long-term, we propose to link the sediment transport and organic matter accumulation models to allow us to predict patterns of marsh accretion and loss (Nuttle, Wiberg, Blum, Brinson, and Christian).
The five core areas provide a common currency with which to compare the four main VCR LTER research sites, as well as other LTERs and LMERs. Additionally, the core-area work provides a long-term set of reference measures for comparison with our long- and short-term experiments. At each of the four research sites, we measure primary production, organic matter accumulation, and trophic structure within the context of large transient and small progressive changes in the position of the the free surfaces that result from disturbance, the fifth core area. The core area measurements we make are dictated by the characteristics of the site and the hypotheses being addressed at each of the sites and thus are not necessarily the same at all research sites since the variety of states at the VCR is so diverse. As a preamble to the discussion of our work in the five core areas, an overview of activities is provided in Table 5 and Table 6 lists the hypotheses that directly appply to core area measurements.
At the North Hog Island Chronosequence Site, we have established permanent vegetation plots across the dune-swale chronosequence where the dominant plants are Myrica and Ammophila, a keystone species (see Relationships, page PD 6). We measure above ground biomass annually as peak standing stock and leaf area index in the Myrica thickets. Above ground production Myrica is measured as a relative index based on number and length of new shoots produced each year and root turnover is measured using mini-rhizotrons for all plant associations along the chronosequence. These measures focus on the relationship of primary production to dune age, depth to the fresh water table and nitrogen availability (see page PD 21).
The approach used for the Hog Island Bay Marshes and Lagoon Site includes 1) a series of permanent Spartina alterniflora (also a keystone species) plots in recently deposited substrate (< 20 years) and older sediments (> 60 years, but estimated to be > several hundred years) and 2) a transect of permanent water column stations from mainland tidal marsh creeks, across the lagoon, in barrier island marsh creeks, to an ocean inlet. The positions of the marsh vegetation plots are stratified based on the relative position of the land and sea water free surfaces and include high and low marsh plots. Above ground production in the lagoon and barrier island marshes is measured using the method of Morris and Haskin (1990). Peak standing stock is also measured in four marshes in the lagoon. Along the water column transect, phytoplankton standing stock is measured monthly as chlorophyll-a concentration. Beginning in summer 1994, we plan to measure phytoplankton production on a quarterly basis using radiolabeled bicarbonate incorporation (Malone 1982).
In the mainland marshes, we have established a series of permanent vegetation plots in the organic high marsh and mineral low marsh where we measure both above and below ground plant production to study the role of disturbance in maintainance of plant diversity and the relationship between frequency of tidal inundation and allocation of biomass to above and below ground portions of the plants. These plots include the keystone species, Spartina alterniflora, as well as Spartina patens, Distichlis spicata, and Juncus roemerianus. For above ground production of S. alterniflora we use the Morris and Haskin (1990) method, of J. roemerianus the method of Christian et al. (1990), and of S. patens/D. spicata association a sequential clip plot method. For below ground production we use the method described in Blum (1993).
We have been using wooden dowels to measure relative above and below ground decay rates at three marsh locations for three years. We will expand this effort to all of our main research sites and 3 long-term experiments during the summer of 1994. Through the use of this technique we will be able to compare relative decay rates among locations at the VCR LTER as well as with those LTER\qs and other long-term experiment projects that are participating in the LIDET study (see Intersite Activities, page PD 27).
Nitrogen cycling is especially important at the North Hog Island Chronosequence and the Mainland Marsh Transition sites. Because plants along the North Hog Island Chronosequence are nitrogen limited (Day 1993, Weber and Day 1993), we measure N mineralization rates, symbiotic dinitrogen-fixation by Myrica, and collect data on atmospheric inputs of nitrogen in addition to standing stock measures. Mainland marsh sediments have elevated nitrogen concentrations with respect to lagoonal and island marshes. These differences may reflect the influence of agricultural practices on adjacent uplands or differences in the source of marsh sediments (i.e., flooded upland soils vs. recent oceanic deposits). We use a system of groundwater wells at the Mainland Marsh Site to monitor stable N isotope composition of upland groundwater, sediment pore water, and tidal creek water to elucidate sources of nitrogen input into the tidal creeks and lagoon. Because of the importance of marshes in nitrogen cycling, we have been measuring nitrogen mineralization, denitrification, nitrification, and dissimilatory nitrate reduction using 15N-pool dilution techniques. Additionally, we will begin measurement of nitrogen gas fluxes to quantify N losses from the marsh.
Recently (Spring 1993) we began studies to determine the contribution of microorganisms to higher trophic levels and have been developing techniques (Garland and Mills 1991) to assess functional and structural differences in the microbial community of mainland marsh tidal creeks. We plan to initiate studies as part of the North Hog Island Chronosequence, in which we establish exclosures to assess the effects of herbivory on the compostion and structure of insular vegetation.
We will develop a FORET type model (Shugart 1984) of island vegetation "perched" on a barrier island "lysimeter" and parameterized using draw-down experiment data. The model will be used to analyze ecosystem changes due to coastal storms and overwash of sand (changes in island elevation) and to changes in island width (shoreline erosion due to storms and shoreline erosion due to sea level rise). The proposed model will permit direct inclusion of critical climate change variables (storm frequency and sea level rise) into the FORET model genre of models. Because models of this type have been developed or are under development for all forested LTER sites (often in cooperation with the modeling group at the VCR LTER), the development of this model will also promote LTER intersite comparisons.
We will determine temporal transition probabilities for ISLAND using a series of aerial photographs, collected at ~5 year intervals and with a spatial resolution of 2 m. This data base will permit an estimate of the spatial variability of transition probabilities of ISLAND on a transect specific basis (see Fahrig et al. 1993b). The geophysical details to run ISLAND are available at 50 m intervals along Hog Island. The output of ISLAND, when parameterized in this way, will be interfaced through ARCINFO to make ISLAND a spatially explicit, three dimensional landscape model. This will allow us to test system state changes due to extinction and invasion at local and island-wide spatial scales. In addition, geophysical state changes arising from changes in shoreline erosion, storm frequency, overwash frequency and relative sea-level rise rate changes can be studied using a common dynamic structure.
We will also develop an ISLANDII model of the dynamic interactions of grasses, shrubs and trees in an individual-based simulator framework. This model has implications for a variety of mixed-life-form systems (see Wu et al. 1985; Sharpe et al. 1985, 1986 for related approach). Under other funding, one of us (Shugart) is involved directly with an effort to compare similarly derived models at several LTER sites. We have also been designated as coordinators of an international effort to develop mixed-life form simulators (such as the modified ISLANDII model) for savanna ecosystems. The modeling group (Jean-Claude Menaut, France and the Ivory Coast; Ian Noble, Dean Graetz, and Brian Walker, Australia; Oswaldo Sala, Argentina; Peter Frost, Zimbabwe; Bob Skole, South Africa) met at the VCR LTER in May 1992 to initiate the development of a shared mixed-life-form model for global applications. Our most likely role will be to lead in water/plant interaction simulation, project coordination, and development of the central competition program. Our contribution will pivot on the ISLANDII model.
The model for sediment deposition and erosion on a vegetated marsh is currently being formulated. Sata and analyses are available from (experimental) studies of flow resistance due to vegetation (e.g., Turner and Chanmeesri 1984; Pasche and Rouve 1985; Kadlec 1990). However little has been done to relate vegetation to erosion, transport, and deposition of sediment. Data to constrain and test our model of sedimentation on vegetated marsh surfaces will be collected on a low marsh in the Mainland Marsh Site. Previous work in this area includes characterization of sediment texture on the marsh surface and in cores, long-term accumulation rates from lead isotope dating, and an indication of the level of perennial sediment activity on the low marsh (Kastler 1993). Future measurements will include flow velocities and suspended solids associated with tidal flows on natural and lowered vegetated marsh surfaces (see Table 3).
The data management system has four general objectives. The first is to provide archival storage of data. To accomplish this objective, on-line copies of data files are backed-up on a variety of tape and optical media with at least one copy maintained off-site. Data is stored in a standard form (the American Standard Code for Information Interchange - ASCII) which is almost universally accessible by different software packages.
A second objective is to provide access to data by researchers. We facilitate such access using Gopher and World-wide Web-based on-line information systems. Public data sets are available for downloading, along with suggested citations crediting specific researchers and the VCR LTER. The Virginia Coast Reserve Information System (VCRIS) also includes information on research calendars, current weather forecasts, personnel and bibliographic citations.
A third objective is to provide a data catalog. This includes a centralized repository for documentation and keyword indices that facilitates automated searches. Development of the catalog entries begins with the initiation of each research project. An initial project description and yearly progress reports form the basis of each entry. For individual data sets (a data set consists of observations containing a common set of variables), additional documentation describes the storage of the data and specific methodologies used in collecting it. Thus a hierarchical structure of documentation is formed. The data catalog is maintained in digital form using a relational database program (currently DBASE IV).
The final objective is to facilitate linkages between data sets. To this end, we maintain a number of site-resource databases. These include a research location database (so that different data sets can use a common vocabulary of site names), master species lists (which define a unique 6 letter identifier for each species) and a database of GIS coverages. Standards are also imposed on the formats for temporal and spatial information that facilitate merging of different data sets.
Communication of research results to the public has been through several avenues. Brochures describing LTER research were developed in conjunction with The Nature Conservancy and the Virginia Museum of Natural History. Articles outlining LTER research were published in the LTER Network News. Additionally, VCR researchers (especially Randy Carlson, our site manager) have been active in presenting talks to local groups. Members of the general public with Internet access have also been able to use VCRIS.
During the academic year PIs in Charlottesville meet weekly and in the summer biweekly to deal with general administrative issues, advice and consent regarding policy and procedures and response to NSF, Network and Intersite activities. The minutes of these meetings are distributed through e-mail the following day and archived in the project GOPHER VCRIS which is open to all VCR Scientists. In academic year 1993, we began monthly project-administrative meetings with the graduate students. Quarterly, we hold meetings of all PIs. The location of this meeting varies according to needs. In addition to the PIs, officials of The Nature Conservancy are invited to attend these meetings. The winter quarterly meeting is our All VCR Scientists meeting. At this meeting oral research presentations (including REU presentations) are made and short written versions are subsequently collected, reprinted and bound for general distribution.
VCR scientists are classified as Signatory PIs, Co-PIs, Subcontracting PIs, and Affiliated PIs. Signatory PIs as indicated on the cover-sheet of this proposal have management and administrative responsibilities and oversight and coordination of research. Significantly, these PIs have the additional responsibility to insure project communication including, timely reports to the National Science Foundation, annual scientific meetings, intersite and international activities, weekly and quarterly administrative meetings, and long-term research planning sessions (Figure 25). Hayden serves as Corresponding PI and is the main contact with NSF and with the LTER Network Office (Figure 25). Co-PIs are scientists with a long-term research commitment to the VCR LTER research program and are responsible for the conduct of the research outlined in this proposal. Sub-contracting Co-PIs have part of their research financed by the Core VCR LTER grant through subcontracts with UVa. Affiliated PIs are scientists whose research is independently funded and have research missions consistent with the VCR LTER, support our data and reporting protocols and contribute to the data archives of the project including long term-data sets. Logistics support for their research is provided where possible. The scientists in each category are listed in Table 1 following the last page of the Results of Prior NSF Support section of the proposal.
In past years we used a committee of 5 outside scientists (Dr. John C. Kraft , Dr. Robert C. Harris, Dr. F. J. Vernberg, Dr. R. G. Wiegert, and Dr. T. Webb III) as an oversight committee.We intend to continue to rely on this committee eventhough we had to rely on substitute on occassion. For the renewal period, we propose to invite these 5 outside reviewers to our annual VCR All Scientist meeting and each year invite two reviewers to evaluate specific LTER activities, e.g. data management, modeling, marsh productivity, decomposition. In the year before our mid-term review and in the year before our next renewal we will bring our 5 external reviewers in for intensive reviews. We intend to invite experts from other LTERs and LMERs to help us in our internal reviews. These individuals know the requirements of the LTER program, have served on site review panels, and NSF LTER renewal panels. Project leadership will select the reviewers asked in each year to evaluate activities and move research programs forward. We will ask of these reviewers to submit a written set of recommendations.