Two new publications that address historic change in the Virginia Coast Reserve:
Deaton, C. D., C. J. Hein, and M. L. Kirwan. 2016. Barrier island migration dominates ecogeomorphic feedbacks and drives salt marsh loss along the Virginia Atlantic Coast, USA. Geology:G38459. 38451.
Examines changes in the extent of marshes in the Virginia Coast Reserve and concludes that landward migration of barrier islands is outpacing the speed with which marshes can migrate into upland, leading to a net loss of 19% of marshes during the period 1851-2010.
Oreska, M. P., B. Truitt, R. J. Orth, and M. W. Luckenbach. 2017. The bay scallop (Argopecten irradians) industry collapse in Virginia and its implications for the successful management of scallop-seagrass habitats. Marine Policy 75:116-124.
This paper examines the history of dramatic changes in the population of bay scallops in the 1920s and 1930s that led to their collapse and the prospects for the return of this once economically important species.