Atlas of Remotely-Sensed Images of the Virginia Coast Reserve LTER


Thematic Mapper Images : rectified / unrectified / on tape
Aerial Photos : rectified / unrectified / on transparent film
SPOT Images

Rectified coordinates are UTM zone 18 NAD27 from ground control point coordinates off USGS quads.

Unless otherwise noted, these images are stored offline on optical disks for use by LTER researchers under negotiated liscense agreements with the providing agency or company. To obtain copies of the raw images, contact John Porter and include the name and location of the file.

Manipulated imagery and air photos that are publically available online have links provided. Some of these GIF images are also available in POSTSCRIPT versions available through the VCR Gopher.

All thumbnails and available imagery is subject to the VCR-LTER data management policy.

Thematic Mapper Image Archiving


ThumbnailFile NameStogage
DescriptionOther Close-Up GIFsClose-Up Notes
tm93_r30 14-B
Rectified Delmarva Penninsula subset of full tm930728. A.) 1993 TM bands 4,5,2 of Hog to Cobb Island.
B.) 1993 TM bands 4,5,2 of Wreck to Smith Island.
hbay930728n83fx L07-B Rectified Hog Island Bay subset of tm93_r30, UTM coordinates to NAD83 datum (Oertel).
hbay930712n83fx L07-B Rectified Hog Island Bay subset of tm930712, UTM coordinates to NAD83 datum (Oertel). *includes gcp and cfn points for use in rectifying original TM.
hbay920810n83fx L07-B Rectified Hog Island Bay subset of tm920810, UTM coordinates to NAD83 datum (Oertel). *includes gcp and cfn points for use in rectifying original TM.
hbay920115n83fx L07-B Rectified Hog Island Bay subset of tm920115, UTM coordinates to NAD83 datum (Oertel). *includes gcp and cfn points for use in rectifying original TM.
hogcobb L09-A Rectified subset of Hog and Cobb Islands and their backbarrier lagoons and marshes? 1993?
parr90 2-B Subset of 1990? TM scene. Rectified? TM?
delmartmra86 L2-B Delmarva Penninsula subset of full tm scene from summer 1986. Rectified. A.) Hog Is., Hog Is. Bay & surrounding areas --w/ outlines.
B.) Hog Is. & Hog Is. Bay showing shoals and marshes (30m res).
hbay86n83fx L07-B Rectified Hog Island Bay subset of delmartmra86, UTM coordinates to NAD83 datum (Oertel).
parrtm86 L09-A Parramore Island subset of Delmarva Penninsula subset of full tm scene from summer 1986. Rectified. Used for initial land cover classification/change analysis of Parramore86-91, dlr2n.
delmartmr 2-B Delmarva Penninsula subset of full tm scene from ????. Rectified.

Thematic Mapper Image Archiving


ThumbnailFile NameStogage
tm930728 14-B Unrectified Delmarva Penninsula subset of full tm930728.
tm930712 L07-A Unrectified. **L07-B : hbay930712 includes gcp and cfn points for use in rectifying original TM.
tm920810 L2-B Delmarva Penninsula subset of full tm920810 (from 10 August 1992). Unrectified. **L07-B : hbay920810 includes gcp and cfn points for use in rectifying original TM.
tmdelm920115 L2-B Delmarva Penninsula subset of full tm920115 (from 15 January 1992). Unrectified. **L07-B : hbay920115 includes gcp and cfn points for use in rectifying original TM.
tm84q2md 2-A Unrectified quarter TM scene 1984 of SE portion of Maryland west of Chesapeake Bay.
b67 2-A Unrectified??

Thematic Mapper Image Archiving

Original Unrectified TM scenes on Digital Tape

ThumbnailFile NameStogage
tm081092 tape Unrectified. Bands 1-7. Aug 10 1992.
tm061093 tape Unrectified. Bands 1-7. June 10 93.
tm071293 tape Unrectified. Bands 1-7. July 12 1993.
tm072893 tape Unrectified. Bands 1-7. July 28 1993.

SPOT Image Archiving

ThumbnailFile NameStogage
626274 L2-A SPOT image. Unrectified?
626275 L2-A SPOT image. Unrectified?
sdels89r L2-A SPOT image. Rectified?
spotpana L2-A SPOT image. Rectified?
620274 2-B SPOT image. Rectified?
621274 2-B SPOT image. Rectified?

Digitally-Scanned Aerial Photo Archiving


ThumbnailFile NameStogage
DescriptionOther Close-Up GIFsClose-Up Notes
???hog91a ??? Composite false-color infrared aerial photo (1:20000) of north Hog Island, 1991. 5 meter? resolution. Rectified.
???hog89a ??? Composite false-color infrared aerial photo (1:20000) of north Hog Island, 1989. 5 meter? resolution. Rectified.
hog90r5 ??? Composite false-color infrared aerial photo (1:68000) of Hog Island, 1990. 5 meter? resolution. Rectified. (GIF shows locations of small mammal transects.)
A.) Contrast-stretched regions of Hog Island 1990 showing dunes, swale marsh, and shrubs. [N->S 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. Rogue ]

Also avail: ZIPPED file of above in TIFF format (5M zipped).

B.) Closeups of small mammal transects T1-2 and T4-5.

parr91r5 L6-A Composite false-color infrared aerial photo (1:20000) of Parramore Island, 1991. 5 meter resolution. Rectified. A.) Aerial Photo and Map of VCR/LTER Drawdown Experiment (Parramore Is.)
philcrk90r3 2-B False-color infrared aerial photo of Phillips Creek, 1990. 3 meter resolution. Rectified. A.) Enlarged view.
B.) Analysis showing `Green-ness', `Wetness' & `Brightness'.
philcrk90r3a 2-B False-color infrared aerial photo of Phillips Creek, 1990. 3 meter resolution. Rectified.

Digitally-Scanned Aerial Photo Archiving


ThumbnailFile NameStogage
DescriptionOther Close-Up GIFsClose-Up Notes
??? ??? False-color infrared aerial photo of Oyster, VA, 1989. 3 meter resolution?. Unectified. rectification cfns and gcps to NAD27 included A.) Enlarged rectified (NAD83) view of Oyster Harbor.
philc 2-B False-color infrared aerial photo of Phillips Creek, 1990. 3 meter resolution. Unrectified.
hog91a, hoga1291 14-B, 12-B, 2-A Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Hog Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
hog91b, hogb1291 14-B, 12-B, 2-A Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Hog Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
hog91c, hogc1291 14-B, 12-B, 2-A Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Hog Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
hog91d, shog1291 14-B, 2-A Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Hog Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
parr91a 12-B Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Parramore Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
parr91b 12-B Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Parramore Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
parr91c 12-B Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Parramore Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
parr91d 12-B Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Parramore Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
parr91e 12-B Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Parramore Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
parr74a 2-B Unrectified? false-color infrared aerial photo of Parramore Island, 1974. Ordered north to south.
parr74b 2-B Unrectified? false-color infrared aerial photo of Parramore Island, 1974. Ordered north to south.
parr74c 2-B Unrectified? false-color infrared aerial photo of Parramore Island, 1974. Ordered north to south.
parramore1989 2-B Unrectified? false-color infrared aerial photo? of Parramore Island, 1989.
cobb91a 14-A, 12-A Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Cobb Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
cobb91b 14-A Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Cobb Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
cobb91c 14-A Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Cobb Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
myrtle91a 14-A Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Myrtle Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
myrtle91b 14-A Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Myrtle Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
myrtle91c 14-A Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Myrtle Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
myrtle91d 14-A Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Myrtle Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
ship91a 14-A Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Shipshoal Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
ship91b 14-A Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Shipshoal Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
wreck91a 14-A Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Wreck Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
wreck91b 14-A Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Wreck Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
cedar91a 12-B Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Cedar Island, 1991.
cedar91b 14-B Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Cedar Island, 1991.
cedar91c 12-B Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Cedar Island, 1991.
assaw91a 12-A Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Assawoman Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
assaw91b 12-A Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Assawoman Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
assaw91c 12-A Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Assawoman Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
metom91a 12-A Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Metompkin Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
wallop91a 12-B Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Wallops Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
wallop91b 12-B Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Wallops Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
wallop91c 12-A Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Wallops Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
wallop91d 12-A Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Wallops Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.
wallop91e 12-A Unrectified false-color infrared aerial photo of Wallops Island, 1991. Ordered north to south.

Unscanned Aerial Photo Archiving

on transparent film

ThumbnailFile NameStogage