Each entry in this database represents one occurrence of a particular organism. The following information may be included for each OBSERVATION:
Basic information
spec_id: Six-char. spec. code (e.g., MNDMND). Must be in spec. database.
loc_id: Location code (e.g., ESHORE). Must exist in location database.
citation: Complete citation for source of this observation
observer: Name of person making observation (e.g., first author of report)
obs_date: Date observation was made.
habitat: Description of habitat in which observation was made.
abundance: Assessment of organism's abundance at site, if available.
Additional information
WWW links: URL for images associated with observation, if available.
Info on related specimens or
observations: Any additional descriptive information for this observation.
TAXA Database
Each entry in this database contains detailed biological information on individual species. The following information may be included for each TAXA entry:
Basic information
spec_id: Six character species code (e.g., MNDMND).
Organism type: Type of organism (e.g., lower plant, seed plant, invertebrate, etc.)
order: Organism's taxonomic order.
family: Organism's taxonomic family.
genus: Organism's taxonomic genus.
species: Species name.
Authority: Authority for classification.
Comname: Organism's common name (e.g., Atlantic silversides)
image_url: URL for image of the organism, if available.
Additional information
species physical description: Description of organism.
species biol. characteristics: Life history of organism.
species natural history: Natural history of organism.
typical habitat: Typical habitat in which organism is found
Economic uses: Economic uses for organism, if any.
Each entry in this database contains detailed geographic and physical information about sites at which observations were made. The following information may be included for each LOCATION entry:
Basic information
loc_id: Code developed for location (e.g., ESHORE).
NW lat: Latitude of upper left hand corner of box bounding site
NW lon: Longitude of upper left hand corner of bounding box
SE lat: Latitude of lower right hand corner of bounding box
SE lon: Longitude of lower right hand corner of bounding box
Descriptive name
for location: Full name of location to which entry refers (e.g., Eastern Shore)
URL for map
of location: A URL to a digital map of the site, if avaiilable.
habitat: Description of the type of habitats found at this site.
Additional information
WWW links: URLs for images of the site, if available.
Long location
description: Extended description of the site.
How locations were
determined: Explanation of how this location was selected for study.