Tutorial for
Biodiversity Database data entry.
Contact David Bowne (drb9d@virginia.edu) for further information.
24 September 1997
This tutorial is intended to be a guide for data entry into the VCR-LTER
biodiversity database. It gives step by step instructions on how to enter
data for a previously undocumented organism and for adding additional observations
and data for documented organisms. As this database is based on the observation
of a particular organism, let us begin by determining if the organism is
within the database.
Determine if your organism is in the database. There are two ways to do
this. Instructions in outline heading 1.A allow you to both determine if
the organism is registered and to access all of the observations of that
organism. The method from outline heading 1.B informs you if the species
is registered but does not show observations.
Click on the link entitled PROTOTYPE BIODIVERSITY DATABASE. This brings
you to the database. Scroll down to global searches in which you can search
for an organism by type, family, species, genus, and common name. I recommend
searching by genus, it is less error prone than common name.
Click on or scroll down to by genus. Scroll through the genera listings
for your organism.
If you find the correct genera, highlight it then click on SUBMIT GENUS
QUERY. This opens a table of all species within that genera. If your organism
is in the table, write down and then click on its species ID. This
brings you to the complete database record for that organism. Check to
see if your reference has already been entered in the Observations table.
If your observation has not been entered, you are ready to go to PROTOTYPE
DIVERSITY DATABASE - ADD DATA, on the biodiversity home page. (Outline
heading 2)
If you cannot find the correct genera, then you have discovered an undocumented
genus. Go to the PROTOTYPE DIVERSITY DATABASE - ADD DATA, on the biodiversity
home page (Outline heading 2).
B) Second method. On biodiversity homepage, click on PROTOTYPE DIVERSITY
DATABASE - ADD DATA on the biodiversity home page. When prompted, input
the username "biod" and the password "mycritters". Then enter your email
address, read the user notes, and then click on EDIT OR ADD TAXA AND OBSERVATIONS.
A page appears with a taxa table and a location table. Below and to the
side of each table is command that states press HERE for a complete listing
of species or location. This calls up a table of all organisms by species
ID, genus and species, or location ID and location name. Scroll through
the table to determine if your organism or location is registered in the
data base.
If you find your species, it is still a good idea to check the database
for your particular observation (outline heading 1.A).
Entering data into the database. Before any information can be inputted
for an observation, the species ID code and a location code must be registered
in the database.
Entering a new species or a new location into the database. Click on PROTOTYPE
DIVERSITY DATABASE - ADD DATA on the biodiversity home page. When prompted,
input the username "biod" and the password "mycritters". Then enter your
email address, read the user notes, and then click on EDIT OR ADD TAXA
AND OBSERVATIONS. A page appears with a taxa table and a location table.
If you established that your species is not in the database, click ADD
NEW SPECIES. This opens the insert entry page. Create a species
ID code for your organism by using the first letter and next two consonants
of the genus and the first letter and next two consonants of the genus.
If three consonants are not available, you may use the vowels present.
Examples: Lespedeza bicolor becomes LSPBCL; Homo sapiens
becomes HMOSPN; Rosa multiflora becomes RSAMLT; Asimina tetramer
becomes ASMTTR. The species ID must be CAPITALIZED or else the alphabetical
order is adversely affected. Enter the remaining fields in the
following manner: type: enter from the choices given; order,
genus, family, and common name: capitalize first letter of
first word only; and species: use all lower-case letters. Failure
to follow these instructions will also cause the alphabetical order to
be wrong and thus compromise the integrity of the database. Enter the
authority and an URL for a picture if applicable. Click on SUBMIT.
If you established that your location is not in the database (by searching
the location ID codes and the supplied listing of each location's full
name), click ADD NEW LOCATION. Follow the instructions on the location
insert entry page. Here again, the location code must be in capital
letters. The coordinates are the upper left and lower right coordinates
for an imaginary bounding box. To get the coordinates, consult the Virginia
Geographical Names Information Service (Virginia GNIS), to which there
is a link from the VCRLTER homepage. If known, enter the habitat type,
location description, and a URL. When finished click on SUBMIT.
After the species ID and location code have been registered, the database
is ready to receive detailed information about the species.
Adding additional information on a organism. Click on PROTOTYPE DIVERSITY
DATABASE - ADD DATA to get to the main menu.
To add information for a particular organism, highlight its species ID
code and click on EDIT SELECTED SPECIES. On this page you can EDIT BASIC
DATA (family name, common name, authority, etc.), ADD WWW LINK (if you
find interesting information on the Web), or can edit/enter information
to obtain more detailed instructions on completing this section. This section
is the "meat" of the database. Try to fill in all fields as completely
as possible. When finished, press SUBMIT.
To add information on a location, highlight the location ID code and click
on EDIT SELECTED LOCATION. The format is the same as the above form for
editing species information. Again, click the INSTRUCTIONS link for more
detailed information.
To add information for a new observation for an already documented species,
click on ADD NEW OBSERVATION. Then highlight the species ID and location
ID. Next fill out the citation and observer fields as described by the
example on the page. For the observation data (obs_date), do not
state the year the paper was published. The actual observation was probably
several years prior. Use the year that the authors state in the Material
and Methods section or if that is not included, put the year the paper
was submitted (usually found at the end of the paper). Finally, fill out
the habitat and abundance fields as indicated. Then press SUBMIT.
Observations can be edited by clicking on EDIT EXISTING OBSERVATIONS. To
edit an observation, you must know the species ID and location ID.