___ MTF100K ___ MISCELLANEOUS TRANSPORTATION FEATURES - LINE ATTRIBUTES Following is a summary of the line (arc) attributes which are present in the ArcView coverage MTF100K. They may be selected by using the attribute MISC-TRANS and the corresponding character string for the values you wish to select. FREQUENCY lists the number of occurences for each attribute in this line coverage. Arcs without data, and empty attribute columns, are labeled major and minor code -99999. COVERAGE DESCRIPTION: Arc: |> describe MTF100K <| Description of SINGLE precision coverage MTF100K ARCS POLYGONS Arcs = 13 Polygons = 1 Segments = 38 Polygon Topology is present. 128 bytes of Arc Attribute Data 28 bytes of Polygon Attribute Data NODES POINTS Nodes = 17 Label Points = 0 12 bytes of Node Attribute Data TOLERANCES SECONDARY FEATURES Fuzzy = 6.563 V Tics = 28 Dangle = 0.000 N Links = 0 COVERAGE BOUNDARY Xmin = 12209149.000 Ymin = 3580891.250 Xmax = 12262483.000 Ymax = 3728529.000 STATUS The coverage has not been Edited since the last BUILD or CLEAN. COORDINATE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Projection STATEPLANE Zone 5576 Datum NAD83 Units FEET Spheroid GRS1980 Parameters: ITEMS: Arc: |> items MTF100k.AAT <| COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME INDEXED? 1 FNODE# 4 5 B - - 5 TNODE# 4 5 B - - 9 LPOLY# 4 5 B - - 13 RPOLY# 4 5 B - - 17 LENGTH 4 12 F 3 - 21 MTF100K# 4 5 B - - 25 MTF100k-ID 4 5 B - - 29 MAJOR1 6 6 I - - 35 MINOR1 6 6 I - - 41 MAJOR2 6 6 I - - 47 MINOR2 6 6 I - - 53 MISC-TRANS 75 76 C - - FREQUENCY: Arc: |> list mtf_freq <| Record FREQ FREQUENCY MAJOR1 MAJOR2 MINOR1 MINOR2 1 1 6 190 -99999 202 -99999 2 2 10 190 -99999 403 -99999 3 3 1 190 190 202 205 CODE DESCRIPTIONS: MAJOR 190 Pipelines, Transmission Lines, and Miscellaneous Transportation Feature MINOR 202 - Power transmission line 205 - Arbitrary line extension 403 - Landing strip, airport, or perimeter of airport