Data and Information Submission at the Virginia Coast LTER

Example 1: Do's and Don'ts


Organize data in a way that an observation is meaningful even if it is reordered. For example, the column formatted data file:
Station Month Year  Day Temp
HOGI   10   1996     01 12
HOGI   10   1996     02 14
HOGI   11   1996     01 21
HOGI   11   1996     02 19
contains all the data needed to interpret a line on that line.


Don't organize data in a way that sorting will make it impossible to understand the data. For example:
Station Month Year  Day Temp
HOGI     10   1996   01 12
HOGI                 02 14
HOGI     11   1996   01 21
HOGI                 02 19
If sorted on Month, would be:
Station Month Year  Day Temp
HOGI                 02 19     <- No way to know during what month!
HOGI                 02 14
HOGI     10   1996   01 12
HOGI     11   1996   01 21


Submit data in a uniform format. For example:
Station Month Year  Day Temp
HOGI   10   1996     01 12
HOGI   10   1996     02 14
Station Month Year  Day Temp


Submit data where each observation is in a different format! For example:
Station Month Year  Day Temp
HOGI     Oct  96     01 12
HOGISL   10   1996   02 14
Station, Month, Year,  Day, Temp
HOGI, Oct, 96, 1, 12.0
HOGISL, 10, 1996, 2, 14